Teaching the English language to kindergarten students isn’t easy at all if you teach your students only via manual ways. Yes, you do require assistance. In today’s age, an automatic tool, like a coding robot, can effectively assist you in teaching your students simple English words, short sentences, and easy phonics lessons. Therefore, I wrote a guide to make you understand how a coding robot can be a great tool in teaching English as a language to your little students aged 4-6 years. Also, you will be informed about some stores that sell these coding robots at affordable rates.
So How Can a Coding Robot Assist Kindergarten Students Learn Some English Language Basics?
There are many ways through which a coding robot can assist kindergarten students learn some English language basics. For example:
Games of Letters and Sounds:
As a teacher, you can program a coding robot to perform various actions so that the kids can learn different English letters and sounds. As an example, you can input the robot or provide it with a command to travel on a letter board and stop on a specific letter that’s planned to be pronounced by the class when the robot reaches it. When the kids associate the letters with their sounds verbally again and again, they’re more likely to memorise these letters and sounds. Another case is you can program the robot to light up or play a sound when it stops at a particular letter on the letter board. And all children have to pronounce the letter loudly at the same time.
Games of Vocabulary Building:
You can teach your little students so many easy English words with vocabulary building games. As an example, you can program the robot to point at a specific image when it hears a particular word. It can point at the image of an apple when it hears the word, apple, for instance. You can also code the robot to move images from left to right or from top to bottom when it hears specific words. For instance, the robot can move the photo of a banana from top to bottom when it hears the word, banana.
Games of Sentence Construction:
You can also program your coding robot to enact simple sentences created by students to make the little kids learn sentence construction easily. For example, you can program the robot to enact simple sentences, “The cat runs.” and “Henry throws a ball.”. When the robot physically performs the actions, the sentences are more likely to be memorable for your little students.
So firstly, teach your students some short sentences by writing the sentences on the whiteboard. Then, what you can do to engage your students more effectively is make them arrange cards in horizontal lines which have words on their sides to create some sentences. So when a student completes a sentence by arranging some cards, the robot will have to enact the sentence and contribute to the student’s learning.
Another way to make sentence construction easy and fun for kids is to program coding robots so that they can verbally provide the answers for interrogatory sentences that have to be spoken by your students. So you have to make your students learn those simple questions first of all for this robotic activity. For instance, when your student asks, “What is your name?”, your robot can answer, “My name is Sam/My name is Marry.”. In this way, the kids can learn sentence construction easily and reliably.
You can teach your students how to use coding robots for English lessons too. You can teach the basics of coding robots to your students. For example, teach them how to move the robots right, left, forward, and backward. They can play with these robots from start to finish under your supervision.
Are you interested to know more! Then, keep on reading my content below.
Which Sites Should You Visit to Get Affordable Coding Robots for Your Little Students?
You should definitely visit the following websites to have an idea which affordable coding robots you would like to have for your kindergarten students and advise your school administration to review or check your chosen robots for purchasing:
So that’s all what I wanted to share with you regarding how to use a coding robot to teach English to kindergarten students. I hope you like my content. If you really like what I shared with you, then please share my page with your connections. In this way, they can also know about my guide and visit the relevant websites for coding robots. If you want to share your feedback, you can email me. Until my next post, stay in touch.
Relevant Pages:
How to Play with Coding Robots in Kids’ Special Education Classroom
Types of Coding Robots: A Parental Guide for Young Programmers